

(著) 山拓






import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from scipy.integrate import odeint

class NobleModel():
    C_m = 12.0 #membrane capacitance, in uF/cm^2
    g_Na = 400.0 #Sodium (Na) maximum conductances, in mS/cm^2
    g_K = 1.2 #Postassium (K) maximum conductances, in mS/cm^2
    g_Cl = 0.075 #Leak maximum conductances, in mS/cm^2
    E_Na = 40.0 #Sodium (Na) Nernst reversal potentials, in mV
    E_K = -100.0 #Postassium (K) Nernst reversal potentials, in mV
    E_Cl = -60 #Leak Nernst reversal potentials, in mV
    dt = 0.1 #ms
    T = 1000 #ms
    t = np.arange(0.0, T, dt) #The time to integrate over

    def alpha_m(self, V):
        """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage"""
        return 0.1*(V + 48) / (1 - math.exp(-(V + 48)/15))

    def beta_m(self, V):
        """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage"""
        return 0.12*(V + 8) / (math.exp((V + 8)/5) - 1)

    def alpha_h(self, V):
        """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage"""
        return 0.17*math.exp(-(V + 90)/20)

    def beta_h(self, V):
        """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage"""
        return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-(V + 42)/10))

    def alpha_n(self, V):
        """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage"""
        return 1e-4*(V + 50) / (1 - math.exp(-(V + 50)/10))

    def beta_n(self, V):
        """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage"""
        return 2e-3*math.exp(-(V + 90)/80)

    def I_Na(self, V, m, h):
        return (self.g_Na * (m**3) * h + 0.14)* (V - self.E_Na)

    def I_K(self, V, n):
        gK1 = self.g_K * np.exp(-(V + 90)/50) + 0.015*np.exp((V + 90)/60)
        gK2 = self.g_K * (n**4)
        return (gK1 + gK2) * (V - self.E_K)

    def I_Cl(self, V):
        return self.g_Cl * (V - self.E_Cl)

    def dALLdt(X, t, self):
        V, m, h, n = X

        dVdt = - (self.I_Na(V, m, h) + self.I_K(V, n) + self.I_Cl(V)) / self.C_m
        dmdt = self.alpha_m(V)*(1.0-m) - self.beta_m(V)*m
        dhdt = self.alpha_h(V)*(1.0-h) - self.beta_h(V)*h
        dndt = self.alpha_n(V)*(1.0-n) - self.beta_n(V)*n
        return dVdt, dmdt, dhdt, dndt

    def simulation(self):
        initX = [-75, 0.06, 0.7, 0.3] # V, m, h, n
        X = odeint(self.dALLdt, initX, self.t, args=(self,))
        V = X[:,0]
        m = X[:,1]
        h = X[:,2]
        n = X[:,3]
        ina = self.I_Na(V, m, h)
        ik = self.I_K(V, n)
        icl = self.I_Cl(V)

        plt.title('Noble model')
        plt.plot(self.t*1e-3, V, 'k')
        plt.ylabel('V (mV)')

        plt.plot(self.t*1e-3, ina, 'c', label='$I_{Na}$')
        plt.plot(self.t*1e-3, ik, 'y', label='$I_{K}$')
        plt.plot(self.t*1e-3, icl, 'm', label='$I_{L}$')
        plt.ylabel('Current ($\mu$A/cm$^2$)')

        plt.plot(self.t*1e-3, m, 'r', label='m')
        plt.plot(self.t*1e-3, h, 'g', label='h')
        plt.plot(self.t*1e-3, n, 'b', label='n')
        plt.ylabel('Gating Value')
        plt.xlabel('t (sec)')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    model = NobleModel()


洞房結節(sinoatrial (SA) node)のモデルとしてZhangモデルというのがあるらしい。



・Noble, D. A modification of the Hodgkin—Huxley equations applicable to Purkinje fibre action and pacemaker potentials. J. Physiol. (1962).

Noble model - Scholarpedia

Models of cardiac cell - Scholarpedia



Noble model

Heart model

・Purkinje Fiber Action Potential Model (pdf)



・Zhang, H. et al. Mathematical models of action potentials in the periphery and center of the rabbit sinoatrial node. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. (2000)