CourseraのComputational Neuroscienceの2週目の課題をベースにして、スパイクトリガー平均(Spike-triggered average; STA)とスパイクトリガー共分散(Spike-triggered covariance; STC)をPythonで実装します。Week2のノートを先に参照してください。
Spike-triggered analysisの目的
Spike-triggered average; STA
import numpy as np def compute_sta(stim, rho, num_timesteps): """Compute the spike-triggered average from a stimulus and spike-train. Args: stim: stimulus time-series rho: spike-train time-series num_timesteps: how many timesteps to use in STA Returns: spike-triggered average for num_timesteps timesteps before spike""" sta = np.zeros((num_timesteps,)) # This command finds the indices of all of the spikes that occur # after 300 ms into the recording. # 150タイムステップ以降のスパイクの記録 spike_times = rho[num_timesteps:].nonzero()[0] + num_timesteps # Fill in this value. Note that you should not count spikes that occur # before 300 ms into the recording. num_spikes = np.count_nonzero(spike_times) #53583 # Compute the spike-triggered average of the spikes found. # To do this, compute the average of all of the vectors # starting 300 ms (exclusive) before a spike and ending at the time of # the event (inclusive). Each of these vectors defines a list of # samples that is contained within a window of 300 ms before each # spike. The average of these vectors should be completed in an # element-wise manner. for t in spike_times: sta += stim[t-num_timesteps:t] sta /= num_spikes return sta
#Quiz 2 code. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import gridspec from compute_sta import compute_sta import scipy.io # Load mat data data = scipy.io.loadmat('c1p8.mat') """ When using pickle data file import pickle FILENAME = 'c1p8.pickle' with open(FILENAME, 'rb') as f: data = pickle.load(f) """ # stim: Stimulus time-series data (600000) stim = data['stim'] stim = np.reshape(stim, (-1)) # Need reshape when useing mat data """rho : Spike-train time-series (600000,) 1 : Spike 0 : None """ rho = data['rho'] rho = np.reshape(rho, (-1)) # Need reshape when useing mat data # 2msごとにスパイクの有無を記録 -> サンプリングレートは500Hz sampling_period = 2 # in ms # 300ms = 150timesteps num_timesteps = 150 sta = compute_sta(stim, rho, num_timesteps) time = (np.arange(-num_timesteps, 0) + 1) * sampling_period #STA :Leaky integration plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[1, 1], height_ratios=[2, 1]) plt.subplot(gs[:,0]) plt.plot(time, sta) plt.xlabel('Time (ms)') plt.ylabel('Stimulus') plt.title('Spike-Triggered Average') #Normalized stimulus plt.subplot(gs[0,1]) N_samples_represent = 1000 stim_selection = stim[:N_samples_represent] stim_selection_norm = stim_selection / stim_selection.max() time_selection = np.arange(0, N_samples_represent) * (sampling_period / 1000.0) plt.plot(time_selection, stim_selection_norm) plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.title('Normalized stimulus for the first {} samples'.format(N_samples_represent)) #Spike train plt.subplot(gs[1,1]) rho_selection = rho[:N_samples_represent] time_selection = np.arange(0, N_samples_represent) * (sampling_period / 1000.0) plt.bar(time_selection, rho_selection, color='red', width=0.001) plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.title('Spike time-series for the first {} samples'.format(N_samples_represent)) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("Spike-Triggered Average") plt.show()
Spike-triggered covariance; STC
Matlabの実装はJonathan Pillow先生の研究室のHPにある。
→ spike-triggered covariance (STC) analysis - matlab code
Neural Networkへの応用
最近、逆相関法やSpike triggered analysisを用いてArtificial Neural Networkの内部のニューロンの活動を可視化しようという話をよく聞く。
・Schwartz, O, Pillow, JW, Rust, NC, and Simoncelli, EP. (2006). Spike-triggered neural characterization. Journal of Vision, 6(4):484-507 (pdf)
・Simoncelli, EP, Paninski, L, Pillow, J, and Schwartz, O (2004). Characterization of neural responses with stochastic stimuli. In M Gazzaniga (ed.) The Cognitive Neurosciences, 3rd edition. MIT Press. (pdf)
・Spike-triggered average - Wikipedia
・Spike-triggered covariance - Wikipedia