画像はMIT Saliency BenchmarkのデータセットCAT2000からお借りした。(Stimuli/OutdoorNatural/197.jpg)
Foveated image(フォービエイテッド画像)と言ったりする。Foveateは対象を中心窩でとらえる、という意味で、要は注視点から離れるにつれてぼやけさせた画像である。VRではフォービエイテッド・レンダリング(Foveated Rendering)といって没入感を高めるのにも用いられているそうだ。
import cv2 import numpy as np def GaussianMask(sizex,sizey, sigma=50, center=None): x = np.arange(0, sizex, 1, float) y = np.arange(0, sizey, 1, float) x,y=np.meshgrid(x,y) #y = x[:,np.newaxis] if center is None: x0 = sizex // 2 y0 = sizey // 2 else: x0 = center[0] y0 = center[1] return np.exp(-4*np.log(2) * ((x-x0)**2 + (y-y0)**2) / sigma**2) #画像を読み込み imgdir="test.png" img = cv2.imread(imgdir) #画像サイズを取得 H,W = img.shape[:2] #Gaussianマスクを作製(画像サイズ、ガウシアンの標準偏差、中央点) mask = GaussianMask(W,H,100,(800,200)) #maskを3次元に拡張 alpha = np.repeat(mask[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) #平滑化をかけた画像 blured = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (21,21), 11) #平滑化した画像と元画像をalphaの割合で結合 blended = cv2.convertScaleAbs(img*alpha + blured*(1-alpha)) #画像を保存 cv2.imwrite("blended.jpg",blended) #描画 cv2.imshow("blended", blended) cv2.waitKey();cv2.destroyAllWindows()
import cv2 import numpy as np def alphaBlend(img1, img2, mask): """ alphaBlend img1 and img 2 (of CV_8UC3) with mask (CV_8UC1 or CV_8UC3) """ if mask.ndim==3 and mask.shape[-1] == 3: alpha = mask/255.0 else: alpha = cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)/255.0 blended = cv2.convertScaleAbs(img1*alpha + img2*(1-alpha)) return blended #画像の読み込み imgdir="test.png" img = cv2.imread(imgdir) H,W = img.shape[:2] mask = np.zeros((H,W), np.uint8) #mask shape is circle cv2.circle(mask, (800, 200), #center 100, #radius (255,255,255), -1, cv2.LINE_AA) mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(mask, (21,21),11 ) blured = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (21,21), 11) blended1 = alphaBlend(img, blured, mask) #blended2 = alphaBlend(img, blured, 255- mask) # 画像を保存 cv2.imwrite("blended1.png",blended1) #cv2.imwrite("blended2.png",blended2) cv2.imshow("blened1", blended1); #cv2.imshow("blened2", blended2); cv2.waitKey();cv2.destroyAllWindows()
ガウシアンマスク … elapsed_time:0.10277056694030762[sec]
円形マスク … elapsed_time:0.07920980453491211[sec]
import cv2 import numpy as np #画像の場所 imgdir="test.png" img = cv2.imread(imgdir) # Read in image height = img.shape[0] # Get the dimensions width = img.shape[1] # Define mask mask = 255*np.ones((height,width), dtype='uint8') # Draw circle at x = 800, y = 200 of radius 100 and fill this in with 0 cv2.circle(mask, (800, 200), 100, 0, -1) # Apply distance transform to mask out = cv2.distanceTransform(mask, cv2.DIST_L2, 3) # Define scale factor scale_factor = 10 # Create output image that is the same as the original filtered = img.copy() # Create floating point copy for precision img_float = img.copy().astype('float') # Number of channels if len(img_float.shape) == 3: num_chan = img_float.shape[2] else: # If there is a single channel, make the images 3D with a singleton # dimension to allow for loop to work properly num_chan = 1 img_float = img_float[:,:,None] filtered = filtered[:,:,None] # For each pixel in the input... for y in range(height): for x in range(width): # If distance transform is 0, skip if out[y,x] == 0.0: continue # Calculate M = d / S mask_val = np.ceil(out[y,x] / scale_factor) # If M is too small, set the mask size to the smallest possible value if mask_val <= 3: mask_val = 3 # Get beginning and ending x and y coordinates for neighbourhood # and ensure they are within bounds beginx = x-int(mask_val/2) if beginx < 0: beginx = 0 beginy = y-int(mask_val/2) if beginy < 0: beginy = 0 endx = x+int(mask_val/2) if endx >= width: endx = width-1 endy = y+int(mask_val/2) if endy >= height: endy = height-1 # Get the coordinates of where we need to grab pixels xvals = np.arange(beginx, endx+1) yvals = np.arange(beginy, endy+1) (col_neigh,row_neigh) = np.meshgrid(xvals, yvals) col_neigh = col_neigh.astype('int') row_neigh = row_neigh.astype('int') # Get the pixels now # For each channel, do the foveation for j in range(num_chan): chan = img_float[:,:,j] pix = chan[row_neigh, col_neigh].ravel() # Calculate the average and set it to be the output filtered[y,x,j] = int(np.mean(pix)) # Remove singleton dimension if required for display and saving if num_chan == 1: filtered = filtered[:,:,0] # Save the image cv2.imwrite("Output.png",filtered) # Show the image cv2.imshow('Output', filtered) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()