import os import argparse import csv import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot, image def draw_display(dispsize, imagefile=None): """Returns a matplotlib.pyplot Figure and its axes, with a size of dispsize, a black background colour, and optionally with an image drawn onto it arguments dispsize - tuple or list indicating the size of the display, e.g. (1024,768) keyword arguments imagefile - full path to an image file over which the heatmap is to be laid, or None for no image; NOTE: the image may be smaller than the display size, the function assumes that the image was presented at the centre of the display (default = None) returns fig, ax - matplotlib.pyplot Figure and its axes: field of zeros with a size of dispsize, and an image drawn onto it if an imagefile was passed """ # construct screen (black background) screen = np.zeros((dispsize[1], dispsize[0], 3), dtype='float32') # if an image location has been passed, draw the image if imagefile != None: # check if the path to the image exists if not os.path.isfile(imagefile): raise Exception("ERROR in draw_display: imagefile not found at '%s'" % imagefile) # load image img = image.imread(imagefile) # width and height of the image w, h = len(img[0]), len(img) # x and y position of the image on the display x = dispsize[0] / 2 - w / 2 y = dispsize[1] / 2 - h / 2 # draw the image on the screen screen[y:y + h, x:x + w, :] += img # dots per inch dpi = 100.0 # determine the figure size in inches figsize = (dispsize[0] / dpi, dispsize[1] / dpi) # create a figure fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, frameon=False) ax = pyplot.Axes(fig, [0, 0, 1, 1]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) # plot display ax.axis([0, dispsize[0], 0, dispsize[1]]) ax.imshow(screen) # , origin='upper') return fig, ax def gaussian(x, sx, y=None, sy=None): """Returns an array of numpy arrays (a matrix) containing values between 1 and 0 in a 2D Gaussian distribution arguments x -- width in pixels sx -- width standard deviation keyword argments y -- height in pixels (default = x) sy -- height standard deviation (default = sx) """ # square Gaussian if only x values are passed if y == None: y = x if sy == None: sy = sx # centers xo = x / 2 yo = y / 2 # matrix of zeros M = np.zeros([y, x], dtype=float) # gaussian matrix for i in range(x): for j in range(y): M[j, i] = np.exp( -1.0 * (((float(i) - xo) ** 2 / (2 * sx * sx)) + ((float(j) - yo) ** 2 / (2 * sy * sy)))) return M def draw_heatmap(gazepoints, dispsize, imagefile=None, alpha=0.5, savefilename=None, gaussianwh=200, gaussiansd=None): """Draws a heatmap of the provided fixations, optionally drawn over an image, and optionally allocating more weight to fixations with a higher duration. arguments gazepoints - a list of gazepoint tuples (x, y) dispsize - tuple or list indicating the size of the display, e.g. (1024,768) keyword arguments imagefile - full path to an image file over which the heatmap is to be laid, or None for no image; NOTE: the image may be smaller than the display size, the function assumes that the image was presented at the centre of the display (default = None) alpha - float between 0 and 1, indicating the transparancy of the heatmap, where 0 is completely transparant and 1 is completely untransparant (default = 0.5) savefilename - full path to the file in which the heatmap should be saved, or None to not save the file (default = None) returns fig - a matplotlib.pyplot Figure instance, containing the heatmap """ # IMAGE fig, ax = draw_display(dispsize, imagefile=imagefile) # HEATMAP # Gaussian gwh = gaussianwh gsdwh = gwh / 6 if (gaussiansd is None) else gaussiansd gaus = gaussian(gwh, gsdwh) # matrix of zeroes strt = gwh / 2 heatmapsize = dispsize[1] + 2 * strt, dispsize[0] + 2 * strt heatmap = np.zeros(heatmapsize, dtype=float) # create heatmap for i in range(0, len(gazepoints)): # get x and y coordinates x = strt + gazepoints[i][0] - int(gwh / 2) y = strt + gazepoints[i][1] - int(gwh / 2) # correct Gaussian size if either coordinate falls outside of # display boundaries if (not 0 < x < dispsize[0]) or (not 0 < y < dispsize[1]): hadj = [0, gwh]; vadj = [0, gwh] if 0 > x: hadj[0] = abs(x) x = 0 elif dispsize[0] < x: hadj[1] = gwh - int(x - dispsize[0]) if 0 > y: vadj[0] = abs(y) y = 0 elif dispsize[1] < y: vadj[1] = gwh - int(y - dispsize[1]) # add adjusted Gaussian to the current heatmap try: heatmap[y:y + vadj[1], x:x + hadj[1]] += gaus[vadj[0]:vadj[1], hadj[0]:hadj[1]] * gazepoints[i][2] except: # fixation was probably outside of display pass else: # add Gaussian to the current heatmap heatmap[y:y + gwh, x:x + gwh] += gaus * gazepoints[i][2] # resize heatmap heatmap = heatmap[strt:dispsize[1] + strt, strt:dispsize[0] + strt] # remove zeros lowbound = np.mean(heatmap[heatmap > 0]) heatmap[heatmap < lowbound] = np.NaN # draw heatmap on top of image ax.imshow(heatmap, cmap='jet', alpha=alpha) # FINISH PLOT # invert the y axis, as (0,0) is top left on a display ax.invert_yaxis() # save the figure if a file name was provided if savefilename != None: fig.savefig(savefilename) return fig ################## # Parsing # ################## parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Parameters required for processing.') #required args parser.add_argument('input-path', type=str, help='path to the csv input') parser.add_argument('display-width', type=int, help='an integer representing the display width') parser.add_argument('display-height', type=int, help='an integer representing the display height') #optional args parser.add_argument('-a', '--alpha', type=float, default='0.5', required=False, help='alpha for the gaze overlay') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-name', type=str, required=False, help='name for the output file') parser.add_argument('-b', '--background-image', type=str, default=None, required=False, help='path to the background image') #advanced optional args parser.add_argument('-n', '--n-gaussian-matrix', type=int, default='200', required=False, help='width and height of gaussian matrix') parser.add_argument('-sd', '--standard-deviation', type=float, default=None ,required=False, help='standard deviation of gaussian distribution') args = vars(parser.parse_args()) input_path = args['input-path'] display_width = args['display-width'] display_height = args['display-height'] alpha = args['alpha'] output_name = args['output_name'] if args['output_name'] is not None else 'output' background_image = args['background_image'] ngaussian = args['n_gaussian_matrix'] sd = args['standard_deviation'] with open(input_path) as f: reader = csv.reader(f) raw = list(reader) gaza_data = [] if len(raw[0]) is 2: gaze_data = list(map(lambda q: (int(q[0]), int(q[1]), 1), raw)) else: gaze_data = list(map(lambda q: (int(q[0]), int(q[1]), int(q[2])), raw)) draw_heatmap(gaze_data, (display_width, display_height), alpha=alpha, savefilename=output_name, imagefile=background_image, gaussianwh=ngaussian, gaussiansd=sd)
python gazeheatplot.py gaze-data.csv 1440 900 [-a 0.6] [-o output-name] [-b /Me/bg-image.png] [-n 200] [-sd 33]
注視点データを可視化してみる。MIT Saliency Benchmarkにあるデータセット"CAT2000"を使ってみる。
import scipy.io as sio import numpy as np #matdata全体の読み込み matdata = sio.loadmat("./FIXATIONLOCS/Affective/001.mat") fixLocs=matdata["fixLocs"] #matファイルをメモリから消去する matdata.clear() #位置を取得 fixPos_tmp=np.where(fixLocs==1) fixPos=np.zeros((369,2)) #x,yを入れ替え fixPos[:,0]=fixPos_tmp[1] fixPos[:,1]=fixPos_tmp[0] fixPos=fixPos.astype(np.int64) #csvとして出力 np.savetxt('Affective_001.csv',fixPos,fmt="%.0f",delimiter=',')
from PIL import Image im = Image.open('./Stimuli/Affective/001.jpg') im.save('./Stimuli/Affective/001.png', quality=95)
activate py27_32
python gazeheatplot.py Affective_001.csv 1920 1080 -a 0.6 -o output.png -b ./Stimuli/Affective/001.png -n 200 -sd 33
和田哲也 (水曜日, 05 8月 2020 06:57)